The Burden of Making Disciples

By Eric PfeifferA Rabbi of mine once said to me, “You can have anything I have, but it will require proximity and pace.”PROXIMITYWe know the kingdom of God is often better caught than taught. Why? Because it’s the way we’re wired to learn and grow. From our earliest hours as infants we spend most of…

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Shifting the Priorities of Church Leaders

By Neil ColeJesus defined success differently. For Him, success could be summed up in three words: Faithfulness (Matt 25:21; Heb 11:6) fruitfulness (John 15:8) and finishing well (Matt 25:21; 2 Tim. 4:6-8).If these three things are what Jesus is looking for to determine our success then perhaps our priorities should reflect them. Christian leaders put so…

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Recruitment: The Final Desperate Act of a Dying Church

By Neil ColePerhaps the single most consistent need in churches is more leaders––more children workers, youth workers, worship leaders, musicians, bean counters and technicians. It doesn’t matter how big the church is, leaders are still in demand, in fact more so in larger organizations. There is always more ministry than leaders.Our big problem is that…

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By: Alan HirschInstead of giving you more theory about the why and the what of discipleship, this week I thought I’d show one of the great benefits that arises from thinking differently (more movementally) about something that we think that we Evangelicals think we already know pretty well…evangelism. Here is evangelism as understood through the…

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Disciple Making

By: Alan HirschWe are continuing in our series of blogs designed to translate the six elements of mDNA into the necessary competencies needed to reframe a church as movement. Last month we looked at the mDNA of Jesus is Lord and saw that the key competency is to declare our identity as people who claim…

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Framing the Future

By: Dave RhodesIf you have been following our blogs this past month, then you know that we have been talking a lot about the core element of mDNA (movement DNA) that we call Jesus is Lord. So much has been written over the last decade by Alan Hirsch, Neil Cole and others about how this…

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Jesus is Lord, part 2

By: Alan HirschIn The Forgotten Ways I have tried to get under the hood of movements that end up changing their world.  What are the key factors that are needed to come together to create an accelerating Jesus movement?  In that book I suggest that there are six elements (I call them movementDNA or mDNA) that must coalesce to…

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