Why We Cannot Afford to Stay Where We Are

By Neil ColeThirty-six years ago, as a college freshman, I began following Christ. Unconnected to any church and without anyone discipling me, I decided to just start reading the Bible. I distinctly remember reading the book of Acts one morning and being unable to put it down. I was so caught up in reading those…

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Confusion Among the APEs: Distinguishing the Evangelist and Apostle

By Neil ColeWhenever a dramatic new movement transforms the church and consequently a portion of society, long overlooked scripture is viewed with fresh eyes and consequently profound application helps to empower the new work. In the last couple decades God has been unearthing ancient truth that greatly affects His church––the APEST gifts of Ephesians 4:11.…

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APEST Culture: Almost a Silver Bullet

By Alan HirschCulture is made up of many diverse symbols, forms, ideas, languages, actions, rituals, and so on. I use the term “APEST culture” here deliberately because I want it to include not only the essential issue of personal vocation and calling, but also all the various social functions associated with each aspect of APEST,…

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The Self Generating Potential of the Body of Christ

By Alan HirschIn researching for 5iveQ, my new book on the transformative power of APEST thinking and practice, I have delved deeper into many aspects that are profound and revelatory and am amazed I have not seen them until this point.For instance, one such “revelation” relates Paul’s use of the word katartizō  in Ephesians 4:12.  This word is ordinarily…

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Breaking the Stained Glass Curtain

By Neil ColeWhen I was a younger man, pundits often spoke about curtains that needed to be removed so that our societies could be open and influence one another, hopefully for the better. The bamboo curtain that kept communist China from interaction with the world eventually parted. The iron curtain that separated communist Russia was…

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Moving Out and Moving In

By Alan HirschLast week I suggested that the idea of incarnational mission is grounded in the being and purposes of God demonstrated in Jesus’ life, mission, and ministry. This week I simply want to underscore how the model of Jesus must inform and shape our methodology as we seek to follow in his Way. If…

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