State of the Missional Movement | Part 4

For a long time I believed the “missional conversation” was universally understood as intrinsically theological. No doubt this was due to the fact that I encountered the conversation in a seminary context and projected that encounter out into the wider Christian world. Sadly, the best missional thought has largely been sequestered to the world of Christian academia, impoverishing the Church. Much more thought needs to be given to appropriate strategies for helping church leaders transformationally encounter and appropriate the insights of missional thinking and practice.

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State of the Missional Movement | Part 3

In this 5-on-5 series, we’ve asked 5 missional thinkers and practitioners 5 questions about the state of the Missional movement. Part 3 is today, and here is the question we posed:How are things unfolding in the Western Church differently than you anticipated? JR ROZKOPart 3: Things unfolding differently than anticipated:Alan Hirsch, 100M:Actually I am amazed at…

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State of the Missional Movement | Part 2

In this 5-on-5 series, we’ve asked 5 missional thinkers and practitioners 5 questions about the state of the Missional movement. Part 2 is today, and here is the question we posed:You’ve been a key voice in this conversation and, I’d argue, really important to the shaping of the future of the Western Church. If you had…

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State of the Missional Movement | Part 1

In this 5-on-5 series, we’ve asked 5 missional thinkers and practitioners 5 questions about the state of the Missional movement. Part 1 is today, and here is the question we posed:I guess you can debate the real “start” of the Missional movement in the Western Church. But let’s say it started roughly 15-20 years ago.…

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The Alexander Syndrome: Why 60 is the new 30

by Doug PaulA few years ago, I wrote a short article called “The Alexander Syndrome” that’s been coming back to my mind a lot lately. In fact…I’m not sure I’ve ever been more convinced about an argument than I am about this one.This was the basic premise: At the age of 30, Alexander the Great looked…

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5 Reasons Why Disciples Might Need Ministry Tools More than Sermons

by Will ManciniThe discipleship results of your ministry are not defined by content of your preaching alone.  One significant factor that impacts disciple-making is tool-making.  Unfortunately, you might not recall any seminary classes or conference breakouts on making ministry tools.Why not? The simplest explanation is that we rely too much on teaching. As a result, we as…

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The different ways Missional Communities plant and develop

Missional communities come in all shapes and sizes. And this goes for Missional Community leaders too!Over the years and in many contexts, my observation is that there are four main, but different, ways Missional Communities have developed.1) ‘Plant’ A core team of Christians (around 3 – 8 pioneering leaders) with some others interested & connected…

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