Shifts We Need to Make to Be Significant in These Significant Days

By Neil ColeGiven the rapid changes occurring in our world right now that I discussed in a previous article, a question the late Francis Schaeffer posed is significant now: how shall we then live? How do these dramatic shifts affecting the world (population growth, technological advancements and economic redistribution) affect church and those who would…

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Why We Cannot Afford to Stay Where We Are

By Neil ColeThirty-six years ago, as a college freshman, I began following Christ. Unconnected to any church and without anyone discipling me, I decided to just start reading the Bible. I distinctly remember reading the book of Acts one morning and being unable to put it down. I was so caught up in reading those…

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Confusion Among the APEs: Distinguishing the Evangelist and Apostle

By Neil ColeWhenever a dramatic new movement transforms the church and consequently a portion of society, long overlooked scripture is viewed with fresh eyes and consequently profound application helps to empower the new work. In the last couple decades God has been unearthing ancient truth that greatly affects His church––the APEST gifts of Ephesians 4:11.…

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