Breaking the Stained Glass Curtain

By Neil ColeWhen I was a younger man, pundits often spoke about curtains that needed to be removed so that our societies could be open and influence one another, hopefully for the better. The bamboo curtain that kept communist China from interaction with the world eventually parted. The iron curtain that separated communist Russia was…

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Moving Out and Moving In

By Alan HirschLast week I suggested that the idea of incarnational mission is grounded in the being and purposes of God demonstrated in Jesus’ life, mission, and ministry. This week I simply want to underscore how the model of Jesus must inform and shape our methodology as we seek to follow in his Way. If…

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The Burden of Making Disciples

By Eric Pfeiffer A Rabbi of mine once said to me, “You can have anything I have, but it will require proximity and pace.” PROXIMITY We know the kingdom of God is often better caught than taught. Why? Because it’s the way we’re wired to learn and grow. From our earliest hours as infants we…

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