Framing the Future

By: Dave RhodesIf you have been following our blogs this past month, then you know that we have been talking a lot about the core element of mDNA (movement DNA) that we call Jesus is Lord. So much has been written over the last decade by Alan Hirsch, Neil Cole and others about how this…

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Identity Declaring: What is a Church?

By: Neil Cole I distinctly remember standing up in front of my denomination’s annual gathering giving a report on our church planting efforts. We didn’t plant a single church that year, so I was already uncomfortable. What I could positively report is that we, as a volunteer church planting board, had finally agreed on what…

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Jesus is Lord, part 2

By: Alan HirschIn The Forgotten Ways I have tried to get under the hood of movements that end up changing their world.  What are the key factors that are needed to come together to create an accelerating Jesus movement?  In that book I suggest that there are six elements (I call them movementDNA or mDNA) that must coalesce to…

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